Monday, April 13, 2020

Essay Topics - Ive Got Some Ideas About Irish and Scottish Poetry and Culture

Essay Topics - I've Got Some Ideas About Irish and Scottish Poetry and CultureWhile researching some personal essay topics for my Mrs. Dalloway essays, I stumbled across a couple of topics that intrigued me. With only an hour or so to try out and write some of my own, I decided to give them a try.One of the topics I was looking for was something about Scottish pop culture. I have always been a huge fan of pop culture in general, and also the history of the world. Reading history was very interesting to me, especially about Scotland's contribution to the world. Seeing as I already knew this, I began writing on my topic with a little help from my mom, who is actually a brilliant teacher.I found it very helpful to understand and know as much as possible about Scottish history and pop culture in order to provide more context for my Mrs. Dalloway essay topics. When writing on your topic, it can be good to use a dictionary to get a proper definition of a word. I often times forget what the word means and what its full meaning is, so being able to write something like that down will save me a lot of trouble later on down the road.One of the best things I found when researching Scottish pop culture is that there are actually many online resources available to help. This makes the process easier, and the fact that I didn't have to spend hours trying to find the proper definitions for words, but rather just go to Google or whatever and have the definition right in front of me.As I started reading through my bookmarks about Scotland, I found a couple of interesting websites about a wonderful music festival that was held in Glasgow, Scotland. Once I had the whole picture of this festival, it became easy to write about, and I was able to develop the topic around it.The second of my Mrs. Dalloway essay topics was about Scottish poets. This was a little harder than the first, because the focus is actually much more intense. I read through as many books and articles as I could to find great literature about Scottish poets, and I really couldn't believe how much I had learned.The difference between my first two essay topics was that the culture was very different than my last one. For example, with Scottish culture, I was more interested in literature than music and art, but in my essay topics, I was able to include both subjects because I wanted to explain how the two work together.As you can see, there are a lot of options available to you when it comes to researching topics for your essay topics. It really depends on what you're hoping to get out of the experience, so think carefully about what you need to learn and how to gain the most information possible.

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